Arunremfa Lim: Making Education Fun and Engaging
Studying in Australia was Arunremfa (Fa) Lim’s childhood dream. Fa first heard about Australia from her uncle who moved there as a refugee. Her dream came true when Fa was awarded an Australia Awards Scholarship to study at the University of Sydney to undertake a Master of Education.
Fa remembered that when she applied for the Australia Awards Scholarship, she had to jump through many hoops. There were times when she questioned whether she was good enough to receive the scholarship, but she pushed through and gave her best shot.
When Fa finally arrived in Sydney she was excited. However, her experience wasn’t all rosy. The first few months were very challenging for Fa because she was missing home. She also found it challenging to adapt to a faster pace of learning. The COVID-19 restrictions in Sydney made it worse. At one point, Fa was thinking to pack her bag and return to Cambodia. But thanks to her determination and ambition, Fa decided to stay and finish her study. She reckons these hardships made her stronger and more independent.
During her stay in Sydney, Fa made some Australian friends who had been great supporters and have become lifelong friends. Fa’s classmate was a high school principal in New South Wales and they shared a similar passion about education development. Her Australian housemate was very caring and thoughtful. She bought some Christmas presents for Fa which made Fa feel grateful despite being so far away from her family.
Fa also appreciated the level of support provided by Australia Awards and the University of Sydney. Regular check-ins and offers of support in terms of food and mental health services made Fa feel that she was fully supported and cared for. She learnt through her experience how the free counselling program at the University made a difference to a student’s life. Fa hopes that she can incorporate counselling programs into the education system in Cambodia in the near future.
Fa is proud of her determination and ambition that play a big role in completing her study in Australia and made the most of her time in Sydney. Through her previous network in the education sector, Fa was offered a part time teaching position as an ELICOS teacher. Fa taught groups of international students who were preparing to study at a university in Australia. Fa got the opportunity to experience a different teaching environment that was dynamic, engaging and diverse. Fa also learnt a lot from her colleagues about time management, creative classroom methodology and student engagement.
Currently Fa is working with a local NGO in Takeo province as a project assistant to a small educational project. She is also assisting the NGO in developing their new strategic plan. Fa is passionate to share her experience in Australia and contribute to the development of the education sector in Cambodia. Fa’s advice to the next generation of Cambodians, especially to young women, is to take a leap of faith, always dream big and believe in yourself. Fa believes that everyone has their own potential, and all hard work will come to fruition sooner or later.

Arunremfa Lim: Making Education Fun and Engaging
Studying in Australia was Arunremfa (Fa) Lim’s childhood dream. Fa first heard about Australia from her uncle who moved there as a refugee. Her dream came true when Fa was awarded an Australia Awards Scholarship to study at the University of Sydney to undertake a Master of Education.
Fa remembered that when she applied for the Australia Awards Scholarship, she had to jump through many hoops. There were times when she questioned whether she was good enough to receive the scholarship, but she pushed through and gave her best shot.
When Fa finally arrived in Sydney she was excited. However, her experience wasn’t all rosy. The first few months were very challenging for Fa because she was missing home. She also found it challenging to adapt to a faster pace of learning. The COVID-19 restrictions in Sydney made it worse. At one point, Fa was thinking to pack her bag and return to Cambodia. But thanks to her determination and ambition, Fa decided to stay and finish her study. She reckons these hardships made her stronger and more independent.
During her stay in Sydney, Fa made some Australian friends who had been great supporters and have become lifelong friends. Fa’s classmate was a high school principal in New South Wales and they shared a similar passion about education development. Her Australian housemate was very caring and thoughtful. She bought some Christmas presents for Fa which made Fa feel grateful despite being so far away from her family.
Fa also appreciated the level of support provided by Australia Awards and the University of Sydney. Regular check-ins and offers of support in terms of food and mental health services made Fa feel that she was fully supported and cared for. She learnt through her experience how the free counselling program at the University made a difference to a student’s life. Fa hopes that she can incorporate counselling programs into the education system in Cambodia in the near future.
Fa is proud of her determination and ambition that play a big role in completing her study in Australia and made the most of her time in Sydney. Through her previous network in the education sector, Fa was offered a part time teaching position as an ELICOS teacher. Fa taught groups of international students who were preparing to study at a university in Australia. Fa got the opportunity to experience a different teaching environment that was dynamic, engaging and diverse. Fa also learnt a lot from her colleagues about time management, creative classroom methodology and student engagement.
Currently Fa is working with a local NGO in Takeo province as a project assistant to a small educational project. She is also assisting the NGO in developing their new strategic plan. Fa is passionate to share her experience in Australia and contribute to the development of the education sector in Cambodia. Fa’s advice to the next generation of Cambodians, especially to young women, is to take a leap of faith, always dream big and believe in yourself. Fa believes that everyone has their own potential, and all hard work will come to fruition sooner or later.
Australia Awards Cambodia is managed by Tetra Tech International Development, on behalf of the Australian Government.
Level 2F, PGCT Centre, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Phnom Penh
Email: info@australiaawardscambodia.org
Tel: +855 12 635 306
Tel: +855 15 301 127