Sam Ath Try: DELWP is full gems and gold for my academic and professional life
Sam Ath Try (Master of Information Technology, Cambodia) has taken the opportunity to develop his professional skills through a traineeship with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP). The Department is currently upgrading the accuracy of Victoria’s digital representation of property boundaries, and Sam worked as a Data Analyst in the Digital Cadastre Modernisation (DCM) project team. He gained practical skills and experience relating to digital infrastructure development, quality assurance and surveying practices in Victoria.
Sam came across this opportunity after joining the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI). He joined as a student member for free, out of an eagerness to better understand this industry and build professional connections. Upon meeting people who worked at DELWP, Sam discovered more about the Department and enquired if there were any work opportunities.
Sam was also able to build his soft skills, noting initial challenges in communicating with local staff and understanding their use of language and context. He learned to listen more, ask questions, and be patient with himself, and found these skills paramount to work with his team to produce outcomes for DELWP and the Victorian people.
We are always encouraged to see how awardees spend their time and energy outside their studies, and Sam has also been involved with several volunteer opportunities which align with his diverse interests. These include volunteering for the University’s Green Impact Program as a Project Assistant to assist staff teams in decreasing their carbon footprint, and with RSPCA Victoria as a Storeroom assistant to support their animal shelters.
Thank you for sharing your activities, Sam! It’s wonderful to hear how have actively explored different opportunities for community involvement and professional development, beyond your studies.
Re-published with the permission from the Australia Awards Scholarship team of the University of Melbourne. The story first appeared in the Australia Awards Scholarship newsletter on 28 May 2019.

Sam Ath Try: DELWP is full gems and gold for my academic and professional life
Sam Ath Try (Master of Information Technology, Cambodia) has taken the opportunity to develop his professional skills through a traineeship with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP). The Department is currently upgrading the accuracy of Victoria’s digital representation of property boundaries, and Sam worked as a Data Analyst in the Digital Cadastre Modernisation (DCM) project team. He gained practical skills and experience relating to digital infrastructure development, quality assurance and surveying practices in Victoria.
Sam came across this opportunity after joining the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI). He joined as a student member for free, out of an eagerness to better understand this industry and build professional connections. Upon meeting people who worked at DELWP, Sam discovered more about the Department and enquired if there were any work opportunities.
Sam was also able to build his soft skills, noting initial challenges in communicating with local staff and understanding their use of language and context. He learned to listen more, ask questions, and be patient with himself, and found these skills paramount to work with his team to produce outcomes for DELWP and the Victorian people.
We are always encouraged to see how awardees spend their time and energy outside their studies, and Sam has also been involved with several volunteer opportunities which align with his diverse interests. These include volunteering for the University’s Green Impact Program as a Project Assistant to assist staff teams in decreasing their carbon footprint, and with RSPCA Victoria as a Storeroom assistant to support their animal shelters.
Thank you for sharing your activities, Sam! It’s wonderful to hear how have actively explored different opportunities for community involvement and professional development, beyond your studies.
Re-published with the permission from the Australia Awards Scholarship team of the University of Melbourne. The story first appeared in the Australia Awards Scholarship newsletter on 28 May 2019.