Senior Researcher and Consultant, BBC Media Action
Course: Master of Educational Leadership and Management
University: University of Sydney
Graduation: 2019
Studying at the University of Sydney in Australia ultimately turned out to be the most rewarding, life-changing experience, although the adjustment stage to the Australian education system, the cultures, and living standards was quite overwhelming at first. Not only have I developed those higher-order thinking skills including critical thinking and problem-solving, but I also have expanded my networks from all around the world. I have met amazing people from the lectures and especially from the school events around the campus. They have become my lifelong friends whom I am still in contact with even after we have returned to our home country.
Now, I am more than ready to bring about changes to the education system in Cambodia. This academic qualification has been a big contribution to where I am today, gaining a management and leadership position where I have been able to lead and manage Cambodian and Expat teachers as well as educational projects. With the knowledge and skills in research from my study, I have embarked on a new journey as a researcher doing action research to improve current teaching and management practices in my workplace. Finally, a key takeaway message from my personal and academic experience in Sydney is that you should feel grateful for challenging situations presented to you because they can make you become unstoppable.
Australia Awards Cambodia is managed by Tetra Tech International Development, on behalf of the Australian Government.
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