Australia Awards Cambodia
Postgraduate learning opportunities for
Cambodia’s current and emerging leaders
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Returning for Cambodia’s Development – Phork Sokunthea

Returning for Cambodia’s Development – Phork Sokunthea

I’m very excited to go back to Cambodia, and I’ve got so many ideas I want to implement when I get back. I know I’ll miss Australia dearly. I’m proud to say that this 2-year journey has changed me inside and out, in the best way possible.   I got to work on so many...
Returning for Cambodia’s Development – Long Penglay

Returning for Cambodia’s Development – Long Penglay

I feel both proud and sentimental about completing my Australia Awards Scholarship: a journey of learning and personal growth. Going back to Cambodia is exciting because I’ll have the chance to apply the skills and knowledge I’ve acquired. Nonetheless,...
Returning for Cambodia’s Development – Phe Somealea

Returning for Cambodia’s Development – Phe Somealea

My Australia Awards Scholarship has given me a great opportunity to further my education while also immersing myself in Australia’s dynamic multicultural society. This has broadened my perspective on the world and enabled me to forge close friendships and...
Returning for Cambodia’s Development – Liv Ouyseang

Returning for Cambodia’s Development – Liv Ouyseang

Completing a program as precious as the Australia Awards Scholarships is a significant milestone for me, and I believe this requires diligence, commitment, and learning new abilities and information. I find the prospect of returning to Cambodia with fresh knowledge...
Returning for Cambodia’s Development – Khoy Rany

Returning for Cambodia’s Development – Khoy Rany

I’m excited and appreciative to the governments of Cambodia and Australia for the chance to hone my academic abilities through the Australia Awards Scholarships. I hope to use these skills to further my nation’s development, especially in early childhood...
Returning for Cambodia’s Development – Ung Cheangy

Returning for Cambodia’s Development – Ung Cheangy

I’m grateful to the Australia Awards Scholarships for the exciting, challenging yet incredibly rewarding journey where I obtained valuable insights and skills. I’m eager to bring them back to Cambodia.   The most memorable time in Australia for me was collaborating...
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