Australia Awards Cambodia
Postgraduate learning opportunities for
Cambodia’s current and emerging leaders
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I’m excited at the prospect of returning to Cambodia and applying the commercial law and international business skills I’ve acquired – skills which are instrumental to my new role in Cambodia.

A highlight of my time here was immersing myself in the different academic culture in Australia. Of course, there were challenges, such as adapting to the AGLC reference style and meeting the deadline for 5000-word three-day home exam. Finding affordable accommodation was also a challenge. But all worked out in the end. On the bright side, I had the chance to join a policy conference, exchanging ideas and perspectives with notable speakers from governments and organisations and improving my professional and life skills.

I’ll miss Australia’s foods, beautiful gardens, exotic plants, lifestyle, and cultural events, particularly the unique wildlife sanctuaries. I really enjoyed exploring nature and close encounters with kangaroos, koalas, and kookaburras. I like the friendly local people and the work- life balance here.

I’m so excited about reuniting with my family and friends in Cambodia. I really miss them, the warm weather and family homemade meals, and look forward to a short trip with my friends.

Kangvay Ou
Master of Laws

Australia Awards Cambodia is managed by Tetra Tech International Development, on behalf of the Australian Government.

Australian Embassy Phnom Penh


Level 2F, PGCT Centre, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Phnom Penh


Tel: +855 12 635 306

Tel: +855 15 301 127

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