Completing my Australia Awards Scholarship and earning a Master’s degree in marketing communications from the University of Melbourne has been an incredible journey- one that has greatly impacted my academic, professional, and personal growth. As I prepare to leave behind the university environment and dear friends, I’m filled with a mix of emotions – happiness for the opportunities ahead, excitement to apply my skills in Cambodia, but also nostalgia for the unforgettable memories during my time in Australia.
One of the highlights of my time here was the opportunity to engage in a multicultural learning environment, broadening my understanding of global perspectives. Beyond academics, I cherished being a part of the Australia Awards Scholars Club, fostering a sense of community among scholarship recipients.
Leaving Australia, I’ll miss the vibrant culture, the delicious food, and the breathtaking landscapes. But I’m eager to reunite with my family and indulge in the authentic taste of Khmer noodles once again. I’m committed to contributing to Cambodia’s development, equipped with the invaluable knowledge acquired from my Australia Award. I’m filled with hope and determination as I continue my journey.
Seyha Chan
Master of Marketing Communications
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Australia Awards Cambodia is managed by Tetra Tech International Development, on behalf of the Australian Government.
Level 2F, PGCT Centre, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Phnom Penh
Email: info@australiaawardscambodia.org
Tel: +855 12 635 306
Tel: +855 15 301 127