I’m excited to have completed my Australia Awards Scholarship, obtaining a master’s degree in Australia!
The Australian education enriched my life in countless ways. Not only did it broaden my academic knowledge, but it also provided me with opportunities to appreciate other lifestyles.
Immersing myself in the lively culture and meeting friendly people were memorable moments in my life. Exploring breathtaking places and experiencing a different way of life made my time here ultimately fulfilling.
I’ll miss Canberra’s stunning landscapes, clean air, and the lush green grass. The stable weather and soothing sounds of nature provided a perfect study sanctuary.
I’m eager to reunite with family and friends, bring my new skills to my workplace, and inspire others to pursue opportunities in Australia. I can’t wait to enjoy our delicious local cuisine—there’s nothing like the flavours of home— and contribute to my community with unflagging energy.
Kruy Vonith
Master of Public Policy
The Australian National University, Australia
Australia Awards Cambodia is managed by Tetra Tech International Development, on behalf of the Australian Government.
Level 2F, PGCT Centre, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Phnom Penh
Email: info@australiaawardscambodia.org
Tel: +855 12 635 306
Tel: +855 15 301 127