A Triumphant Journey
Imagine a low-income, visually impaired mother of a two-year-old living in a religious temple, furthering her education? Now, she’s receiving her master’s degree from Australia. That is a dream come true for me: I’m completing my Australia Awards Scholarship and preparing to return to Cambodia.
Bittersweet Farewell
I have mixed feelings. I’m delighted to get a higher degree, which is my proudest achievement; I once believed it was impossible. I’m very happy to be going back home. Nonetheless, I feel that my time in Australia has gone by quickly, and I’m not prepared to leave. Despite my visual impairment, which made the last two years difficult, I persisted through many hours of reading and writing assignments. I wish I had more time to stay and enjoy Australia further.
Life-Changing Experiences
My time in Australia has been completely life-changing because I enjoyed accessible education, equal rights, and considerable independence. For the first time, I had more than enough food, enough money to cover my necessities, and the freedom to express my concerns without fear of being ignored.
Treasured Moments in Australia
I’ll dearly miss the inclusive environment where my impairment isn’t a barrier. Because of the accessible infrastructure, I felt comfortable disclosing my disability and could move around with my husband and child on my own. I’ll miss traveling fearlessly, taking my daughter on walks to playgrounds, and knowing that people were always available to help. The medical care here has been reassuring, providing the best care for my family with kindness and professionalism. I’ll miss the excellent childcare, which gave me comfort knowing my daughter was in good hands.
Returning to Cambodia
I can’t wait to share my experiences and achievements with Cambodian friends and coworkers, aiming to support community growth and inspire visually impaired individuals, particularly from lower socio-economic backgrounds. An old Khmer saying states that “hearing ten times is not equivalent to seeing one time.” I want my story to show that dreams are possible if you work hard and have support.
Min Chinda
Master of Disability Policy and Practice
Flinders University, Australia
Australia Awards Cambodia is managed by Tetra Tech International Development, on behalf of the Australian Government.
Level 2F, PGCT Centre, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Phnom Penh
Email: info@australiaawardscambodia.org
Tel: +855 12 635 306
Tel: +855 15 301 127