I’m excited to use all the knowledge, skills, and experiences I’ve gained here to contribute to sustainable development, peace, and humanitarian work back in Cambodia. I’m particularly grateful for this valuable opportunity and the support from the Australian Government, Australia Awards Cambodia, colleagues, friends, and family.
I’m the first woman in my family to pursue a master’s degree in peace and conflict studies, making my family proud of me and my new-found ability.
For me, the most memorable aspects of my time in Australia were all the eye-opening experiences I had, especially the development of my intellect and the construction of various contested perspectives, which are critical for a more equitable and sustainable society. As a feminist, I’m excited to use this knowledge in the hopes of bringing about changes in development and gender-just peace.
Returning, I’ll miss life at the university and life outside the university, the intellectual growth and networking opportunities at the university and the gym, as well as the friendships I’ve made with my Cambodian and international friends. These experiences have increased my understanding of and compassion for life and diversity.
I’m looking forward to the authentic taste of food and fruits of the Cambodian locals and to visiting Siem Reap and Angkor Wat, our world heritage that sophisticatedly narrates peace and conflict stories to the world.
A big shout out to Cambodians and women who persevere and persistently pursue their goals and realise their dreams: you “deserve to achieve your dreams because of your relentless efforts, not just because you’re lucky.”
Vuthy Victory
Master of Peace and Conflict Studies
The University of Queensland, Australia
Australia Awards Cambodia is managed by Tetra Tech International Development, on behalf of the Australian Government.
Level 2F, PGCT Centre, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Phnom Penh
Email: info@australiaawardscambodia.org
Tel: +855 12 635 306
Tel: +855 15 301 127