I’m excited and appreciative to the governments of Cambodia and Australia for the chance to hone my academic abilities through the Australia Awards Scholarships. I hope to use these skills to further my nation’s development, especially in early childhood education.
I’ll miss dearly the educational environment and the buses, trains, and trams that allow me to easily travel all throughout Melbourne. I’ll also miss the caring nature of the Australian people, and the spacious and welcoming atmosphere of my university, Springvale Library, and childcare centers where I worked. Each place was spacious and provided a friendly atmosphere with ample play and learning materials, especially the library with its extensive collection of books. I wish to lend parenting books from Australia and find a suitable workplace to improve early childhood education and care in Cambodia.
The first thing I’ll do is spend time with my family when I arrive in Cambodia. I’ll hug and kiss my husband and my two sons. I’ll cook them meals and enjoy eating together. I’ve really missed Teuk Kreung, a popular Cambodian dish that combines a grilled fish base with fresh, seasonal vegetables in a dipping sauce.
Khoy Rany
Master of Education
Monash University, Australia
Australia Awards Cambodia is managed by Tetra Tech International Development, on behalf of the Australian Government.
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Email: info@australiaawardscambodia.org
Tel: +855 12 635 306
Tel: +855 15 301 127