Australia Awards Cambodia
Postgraduate learning opportunities for
Cambodia’s current and emerging leaders
Accessibility Information
I’m satisfied with and grateful for the opportunities provided by the prestigious Australia Awards Scholarships. I’m excited to return to Cambodia to contribute to sustainable development.
My best time in Australia was the learning opportunity to engage with world-class professors and cutting-edge research in renewable technology. The multicultural environment and hands-on projects inspired me to drive positive change in Cambodia.
Coming back to Cambodia, I’ll miss Australia’s natural beauty and vibrant culture, as well as its beaches, national parks, and Sydney.
I’m looking forward to seeing my loved ones and colleagues, enjoying local food, and contributing to renewable energy initiatives in Cambodia.
Seng Moon Panha
Master of Engineering Science
The University of New South Wales (including ADFA), Australia

Australia Awards Cambodia is managed by Tetra Tech International Development, on behalf of the Australian Government.

Australian Embassy Phnom Penh


Level 2F, PGCT Centre, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Phnom Penh


Tel: +855 12 635 306

Tel: +855 15 301 127

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